The Faeries of MidSummer are here now, coming to yew in the cool part of autumn, just before the dark. Go to the Vimeo site to see it. Do watch if you would like to see what Faerie Magic looks like in the sunshine of the summer meadow in my Cascadian home state of Washington.
This is a little movie about something big. Click here to see the video - I sure hope this works! If this link is somehow kaput, go to the Circle Green face-beast page instead to watch 17 minutes of magic. You'll see people who have been to the fairy door and back again. And you might recognize at least two of us that you know! Seriously sweet, no really, it's serious. Watching this film could crack open your head and change your life just knowing we exist. Kinda hope it does, but life shattering events can feel so unsettling, even when you invite them. If this link ever should break - call us up - we'll tell you about the Faerie Realm with the technicolor words we're putting in a book!
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