If you miss your favorite people, now would be a great time to extend your Family Tree and circle of friends – to the Forest.
Finding physical companionship in these times of isolation and quarantine due to the current pandemic can be difficult. I'm already way too used to eating dinner alone and watching bad news. Wine, weed, weighted blankets, and video conferencing are not enough. I need a hug. Squeeze a Tree for 30-seconds - it will make you smile, both of you. Fortunately Embracing the positive power of Nature keeps me connected with my loved-ones in a happy, healthy way. The Icelandic Forestry Service is encouraging people to hug trees while social distancing measures prevent them from hugging other people. Read the article here: https://www.icelandreview.com/nature-travel/forest-service-recommends-hugging-trees-while-you-cant-hug-others “When you hug [a tree], you feel it first in your toes and then up your legs and into your chest and then up into your head,” enthuses forest ranger Þór Þorfinnsson. “It’s such a wonderful feeling of relaxation and then you’re ready for a new day and new challenges.” You might wonder what a pesky little human has to offer a living giant when it comes to power hugging and happiness. Here’s a little ELF Walk secret. Like everybody else, trees liked to be liked, and appreciate your appreciation. Most of my leafy green friends yearn more for respect than they do for adoration yet nearly none of them would ever turn down a hug however, even if they could. Truth be told – Trees love hugs as much as you do . . . except for a few like Grumpy Tree and the Whomping Willow who are rather unfriendly. For now we’ll keep our distance, our social distance from humans and proceed cautiously when it comes to hostile trees. Stay safe, have fun….
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