Relationship Astrology
discover your cosmic compatibility
zodiac relationshipsYou can run as many free zodiac charts as you wish with our free astrology app. Compare Sun signs, note trines (lucky) and squares (challenging) of your planetary positioning. The results are fascinating even if you're not an expert astrologer. You can also get a full professional reading of your astrological relationship details for only $25.
love signs of the zodiacCan air-signs and fire-signs fan the flames of love together without burning the house down? Do opposites really attract or do they annoy each other? A Synastry Chart compares the horoscopes of two people to determine their potential compatibility. Astrology can't tell you who to love. It can however help you understand the nature of intimacy & communication in your relationship.
zodiac charts for siblingsEvery star child is born with innate talents and tendencies: moody Moon signs with deep emotional intelligence, leadership qualities disguised as a stubborn streak, the gift of gab, witty wallflowers, fearless daredevils, pragmatists, homebodies and vagabonds. No one knows your kids like you do, except maybe an astrology chart.
zodiac business partnersAre you dealing with a wishy-washy water-sign or an intuitive genius? Is the executive earth-sign in the office a team-player or megalomaniac? Can you keep your cool or do you always speak your mind when you mean business?
Run a Synastry Chart for you, your business partners and your co-workers for insights into a more copasetic corporate culture. |