Eucalyptus Essential Oil Pure Natural Eucalyptus globulus Essential Oil
Tasmanian Blue Gum, aka Eucalyptus is a member of the fragrant Myrtle Tree Family from down under. Eucalyptus oil has a soothing effect on the whole human body. Koalas love it too.
Eucalyptus essential oil is noted for easing muscular fatigue, mental exhaustion, headaches, and nervous tension. The vivacious, refreshing scent energizes the mind and enhances creativity, optimism, and focus. One little bottle contains a whole lot of healing potential.
Essential Oil Features
· Deodorizing Antiseptic
· Enhances Deep-Breathing & Meditation
· Complex Herbal Scent
Eucalyptus essential oil has a soothing, herbal scent with deep, camphor undertones and bright, evergreen highlights. Diffuse for relaxed, clear thinking. Excellent as a cleansing facial steam & deep breathing aid. Dilute into oil, lotion or salve for a decongesting rub.
Try our Grandma’s Tent-Towel Method: lean over steaming pot of water, add a few drops of essential oil, drape a bath towel over your head and shoulders to create a steam-chamber, breathe in the scented vapor, let go of your worries, and trust that good health will find you.
Essential Oil Profile
· Botanical plant name: Eucalyptus globulus
· Grown in: Australia
· Extraction method: steam distilled
· Blends with cedar, citrus, often used alone
Product Detail: your choice of either a 3.5-ml square glass bottle or 10-ml of pure essential oil in a blue glass bottle with a drip-top applicator.
This essential oil is one of the key ingredients in the best “anti-plague” formula of all times, the Thieves Oil Blend.