Brazilian Orange Essential Oil Citrus Sinensis Sweet Orange
Brazilian Sweet Orange is a joyfully juicy solution for stress. The power of its sunny fragrance outshines anxiety, depression, and boosts overall immune function. Love, love, love it paired up with Vanilla and Pumpkin Spice.
Brazilian Sweet Orange Essential Oil Properties
· Sunny
· Cleansing
· Optimistic
Mix 20-drops Brazilian Sweet Orange Essential Oil in a 1-oz. spray-bottle of water. Mist liberally as you dance through the house, floating on the positive chi-force of full ripe fruity happiness. Diffuse in car and office to keep on task and whistle while you work.
Circle Green Brazilian Sweet Orange Essential Oil
· Botanical plant name: Citrus sinensis
· Grows: Brazil South America
· Extraction process: cold pressed
This bright smelling oil has a gentle sedative effect, relaxing tension and easing insomnia, especially with children. Circle Green Brazilian Orange Essential Oil reinforces positive feelings and deepens relaxation.
Our Mission:
Our aim is to offer the same fine, natural products we enjoy in our own home with people like you.
Product Detail: your choice of either a 3.5-ml square glass bottle or 10-ml of pure essential oil in a blue glass bottle with a drip-top applicator.